Representatives from cities, counties, and townships that sustained damages during the May 12th severe storm are invited to attend an applicant briefing regarding public assistance funding from FEMA and the state.  Lake County Emergency Manager Kody Keefer said the briefing will be held next Wednesday, July 20th at 9:00 a.m. in the Lake County Extension Office in Madison.  

Keefer indicated that representatives from FEMA and the South Dakota Office of Emergency Management will give a presentation about the Public Assistance program, who and what is eligible for funding under the program, and how to comply with all the regulations that coincide with the program so that applicants can be reimbursed for the cost to bring their facilities back to pre-disaster conditions.  

After the presentation, FEMA and state Emergency Management staff will be available to assist applicants with submitting their Requests for Public Assistance and answer questions.  Keefer said that at least one person from the applicant organization must attend a briefing for this disaster.  

For more information, potential applicants can contact Keefer at Office Phone: 605-256-7611 or Email: [email protected].


July 14, 2022