Voter registration deadline
Those who want to vote in the state’s June Primary Election need to make sure they are registered to do so. The deadline to register to vote in the June 4th Primary Election is this Monday, May 20th.
Secretary of State Monae L Johnson said that in order to vote in the June election, voter registration forms for unregistered voters must be received by their county auditor by 5:00 p.m. local time on Monday.
Voter registration in South Dakota is conducted by each county auditor and municipal finance officer. People can also register at driver license exam stations, public assistance agencies, military recruitment offices, or the Secretary of State’s Office.
Voter registration information is available on the Secretary of State’s website at A voter registration form may be downloaded from the website and returned to your county auditor. The deadline for voter registration in South Dakota is 15 days prior to the election you wish to vote in.
Voters may find information pertaining to their registration status, polling location, and absentee ballot status through the Voter Information Portal (VIP), which can be found on the Secretary of State’s website at Voters may also view a sample ballot through the VIP.