Several Lake County roads will soon include speed reductions for trucks during the time period for spring load limits in the county.  During the Lake County Commission meeting this week, Highway Superintendent Nels Nelson discussed implementing the speed limit of 40-miles-an-hour for trucks on certain routes during spring load limits.  Nelson said there are six roads where he would like this put into place as a way to help preserve them.

Commissioner Adam Leighton questioned if reducing the speed would make a difference.  Nelson said it should help.

Commissioner Dennis Slaughter said that it will be easier for law enforcement to enforce a speed limit than the load limits.  

Commission Administrative Officer Shelli Gust said that Lake County has an ongoing resolution for spring load limits that allows them to be put into place from February 15th through April 30th each year as necessary.  She said commissioners will need to change the resolution to include the speed reductions, which can then be back before them for consideration at their next meeting on January 19th.  If the resolution is passed including the truck speed limits, Nelson said that the Highway Department will put up signs once the spring load limits are put in place. Â