Drug Take Back Day

Tomorrow Saturday April 27th  is National Drug Take Back Day and South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley encourages people with unneeded prescription medication to safely dispose of it during tomorrow’s event.

The event is an opportunity for citizens to safely dispose of their unwanted, unneeded, or unused medication at participating locations which include pharmacies and law enforcement agencies.

“Unneeded or unused medication can be deadly if it is used by the wrong person or was not prescribed for you,” said Attorney General Jackley. “This is a great opportunity to safely dispose of such medications.”

National Drug Take Back Day is sponsored by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.  The service is free and anonymous. 

Madison’s drop off areas will be the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, the Madison Police Department,  Lewis Drug on Washington Ave. or the Madison Regional Health System.

The list of disposal sites located in South Dakota can be found here: https://www.avoidopioidsd.com/take-action/safe-medication-disposal/