Lake County Commission meeting Tuesday
The Lake County Commission meets on Tuesday morning. On the agenda for county commissioners is Highway Superintendent Nels Nelson to discuss the BIG Grant program Bridge right-of-way certificate and utilities certificate, and also equipment rental or purchase. Commissioners will also hold first reading of an ordinance amending the county’s ordinance establishing a speed zone on a part of County Road 52 (or 241st Street) near Chester, and receive an electronic recycling update from the county’s Natural Resources Officer Mandi Anderson.
Anderson is also scheduled to meet with the commission at 10:00 Tuesday morning as the county’s Zoning Officer to discuss a variance, a conditional use permit, and some plats.
An executive session for pending litigation is scheduled for the end of Tuesday’s meeting.
The Lake County Commission meeting is at 9:00 Tuesday morning in the commission room in the Lake County Courthouse in Madison.