Governor proposes funding for DSU program in budget address

Governor Kristi Noem used her annual budget address this week to outline her vision for using the upcoming budget cycle to strategically address one of the state’s primary issues, and that’s workforce needs.

The governor said that more skills training is needed to grow the available workforce, and proposed an investment in Dakota State University’s cybersecurity programs.

Governor Noem also proposed money to help the state’s technical colleges.

She also suggested that the legislature support a program at the University of South Dakota to help those looking to start a new business or enterprise, and seek federal approval to fund construction projects at Northern State University and Black Hills State University to help expand their nursing programs.

Also during her budget address this week, Governor Noem recommended initiatives that include funding for workforce housing, money to help with new daycare centers, and pay increases for state workers and healthcare providers, as well as state aid for education that should go to educators. Â