COVID-19 vaccine distribution continues across the state

The South Dakota Department of Health announced last week that the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the second to achieve FDA authorization, had been delivered statewide to all major healthcare networks and smaller regional partners. The delivery marked the second vaccine allotment from the Federal government and the state’s second week of distribution of the vaccine.

Moderna’s vaccine allocation of 14,600 doses, came a week after the delivery and distribution of 7,800 Pfizer vaccines, bringing the total COVID-19 federal allotment to the state to 22,400 doses with additional shipments arriving weekly. 

State Health Secretary Kim Malsom Rysdon said given the allocations received and per South Dakota’s vaccination plan, priority group 1A should have been finalized this last week.  

Malsam-Rysdon said even though the vaccine has arrived, the general population probably won’t see it until the spring. Because of that, health officials want people to continue to remain cautious. 



(Thanks, KBHB)