Madison Splash Zones start Tuesday
Tuesday is the first day for one of the Madison Fire Department’s newly created Splash Zones. Tuesday’s will be held from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. at Baughman Park in Madison. Tuesday’s Splash Zone will be located on the east side of the park by the soccer fields.
The Madison Fire Department received permission last week from the Madison City Commission to operate these splash zones as an opportunity for kids in the community to enjoy some water activities despite the Madison Aquatic Center being closed for repair this summer.
The next Splash Zone is then scheduled for Thursday evening at 6:30 near the Madison Aquatic Center. It will be in operation for two hours on the southwest side of the Aquatic Center park near the baseball diamond.
More information on the dates, rules, and how to volunteer or help out with the fire department’s Splash Zones can be found here.