The Madison Central School District reports another three positive COVID-19 cases in students or staff members at the Madison Elementary School.  On Wednesday, Superintendent Joel Jorgenson notified parents of the new positive cases and asked that they be watchful for children with symptoms of COVID-19 during the next fourteen days.  The school district works with the state Department of Health to determine any close contacts of the new cases and contacts parents accordingly with an e-mail and a phone call.  This brings the total number of cases overall in the district to 27 since September.  

Also on Wednesday, the school district provided information on active and recovered COVID-19 cases within the district.  As far as active cases within the district, there are currently two active cases within Madison High School students and five active cases among district staff.  Eight staff have recovered, along with one Madison Elementary student, six Middle School students, and five High School students.  

Jorgenson said this information will be posted weekly on Wednesdays on the school district’s website. Â