The Lake County Commission is making some modifications to the county’s operations plan during the COVID-19 pandemic.  During their meeting Tuesday, commissioners approved some revisions to their original plan, which will go into effect on June 1st.  The Lake County Courthouse has been open, but individual offices have been locked since March 25th, with people needing to either schedule an appointment or handle their business either over the phone or online.  This policy will remain in effect through June 1st, when county office doors will again be open to the public.  Commission Administrative Officer Shelli Gust said that all county offices are developing a plan for how this change will work best for their offices.

Gust said that county offices and employees have been innovative so far in how they have been able to continue to conduct business during this pandemic.  

Another change to Lake County’s plan that will also be effective June 1st is that the county will resume accepting applications for the use of its facilities for in-person events.  She said that each application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis using the current CDC guidelines.  

Lake County updated operations plan – Press Release.5-5-2020