The Madison City Commission is moving forward with plans to hire a city administrator.  During their meeting Monday, commissioners approved a motion to develop a job description and hire someone for the position.

Commissioner Adam Shaw proposed the idea to commissioners and said that he thinks the position is needed in order for the city to continue growing.

Shaw said that the city needs the leadership.

Several local business owners spoke in favor of the city administrator position.  Eric Sinclair of Montgomery’s told commissioners of the positive experience he had working with a city administrator in Watertown, after working with the city on development before the position was created there.  

Scott Delzer of Bulldog Media Group and a former Madison City Commissioner said Monday that there are more employees and growth now then when he was on the commission and the timing is right to hire a city administrator.

Former City Commissioner George Lee said he didn’t see the need for the new position.

Shaw said having a city administrator will help the commission make better decisions and plans for the city’s future.

Commissioners approved Shaw’s motion unanimously to develop the city administrator position.