Active COVID-19 cases continue to increase

Monday brought about another increase in active COVID-19 cases statewide and in area counties. The state Department of Health reported an increase of nearly one-thousand active cases yesterday, with five additional COVID-19 deaths.  Virus-related hospitalizations decreased some, but are still near four-hundred.

The state reported 334 active coronavirus cases in Lake County as of Monday, an increase of eleven compared to Friday’s numbers.  Also in our area, the state reported 226 active cases in Moody County, 164 in McCook, and 154 in Kingsbury County.  Miner County had 51 active COVID-19 cases as of Monday.  

Madison Central Schools reported six new positive cases of COVID-19 over the weekend, including four students or staff members at Madison Elementary and two at Madison Middle School, with no close contacts in the schools.  As of Monday, the number of active cases in each building decreased some, with twelve in the Elementary School, seven in the Middle School, and nine in the high school.  Â