Absentee voting starts today for June Primary Election

The state’s 2022 Primary Election is coming up on June 7th, and absentee voting for the primary begins today.  

To request an absentee ballot, voters must submit an absentee ballot application form to the county auditor.  The application forms can be requested from the county auditor, or downloaded from the Secretary of State’s website.  Voters can also absentee vote in-person with their county auditor up to the day before the June 7th election.  

In Lake County, Republican registered voters will have a few races to vote on, including Lake County Commission, and District 8 House and Senate candidates.  There are three candidates on the primary ballot for Lake County Commission, and voters will choose two to go on to be on the general election ballot in November.  The three candidates for Republicans to choose from include Corey Johnke, incumbent commissioner Kelli Wollmann, and James Callahan.  

For the District 8 House of Representatives, there are also three candidates on the ballot for the Primary election.  Republican voters will select two candidates to then be on the general election ballot.  The three District 8 House candidates are Lecia Summerer of Wentworth, John Mills of Volga, and Tim Reisch of Howard.  

For the District 8 Senate, there are two candidates on the primary election ballot in Lake County – Heather DeVries and Casey Crabtree, both of Madison.  Voters will select one of them to go on to be on the general election ballot in November.  District 8 includes Lake, Kingsbury, and most of Miner and Brookings counties.  

There is one Constitutional Amendment included in the primary election for all registered voters.  The amendment requires three-fifths vote for approval of ballot measures imposing taxes or fees or obligating more than ten-million dollars.  


Republican Primary Sample Ballot

Non Political Primary Sample Ballot (1)


April 22, 2022