Lake County Election Filings
There are several positions up for reelection this year in Lake County including 3 County Commission seats with commissioners Deb Reincke (RY’-na-key), Dennis Slaughter, and Adam Leighton seats all expiring this year.
So far, two Republican petitions for County Commission have been filed with the Lake County Auditor. Ryan J. Gebauer has filed his petition while Adam Leighton has filed for re-election.
Deb Walburg filed her petition for county treasurer, and Wendy Kloeppner (Klep-ner) has submitted her petition for States Attorney. Both are up for reelection.
The deadline for filing nominating petitions for the primary election is March 26, at 5:00 p.m.
The deadline for filing nominating petitions to run as an independent candidate in the general election is April 30.
Petitions for the offices of County Commission, States Attorney, Sheriff, Coroner, and Treasurer must be filed in the office of the Lake County Auditor, and nominating petitions for the offices of U.S. Representative, Public Utilities Commissioner, District 8 State Senate, and District 8 State Representative must be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State in Pierre.