School Board approves contracts for district’s administrators
The Madison Central School Board approved two-year contracts for the district’s administrators during its meeting on Monday. The board met in executive session before taking action on the contracts. Business Manager Mitchell Brooks said the administrative contracts are for the years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. Brooks said the contracts include a two-point-one-percent increase in the administrative salaries for the first year, and a one-point-nine-percent increase for the second year.
School Board members approved other personnel items also during their meeting Monday. The board approved the resignation of Betsy Schamber as the Middle School Student Advocate, Connie Silva as a Lunchroom Supervisor, and Joyce Strickland as a Special Education bus driver, all effective at the end of the previous school year. Board members also approved the hiring of Austin Olson as a summer groundskeeper, and summer part-time food service employees at a rate of twelve-dollars an hour or at the current hourly rate, effective June 1st. The re-assignment of Nick Offerman as the district’s Technology Coordinator effective May 11th was also approved, along with several faculty contract changes.