Podhradsky named to ERVA task force

A Dakota State University Vice-President has been named to a specialized task force.  

Dr. Ashley Podhradsky, DSU’s Vice President for Research and Economic Development, has been named to a specialized task force for ERVA, or the Engineering Research Visioning Alliance.  

ERVA has a five-year initiative to empower the engineering community in order to identify potential opportunities and priorities through research that addresses national, global, and societal needs. ERVA is supported by the National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering.

Podhradsky has been named to the task force titled “Engineering R&D Solutions for Unhackable Infrastructure”.  Researching unhackable infrastructures will greatly benefit services and organizations people depend on in modern life, such as hospitals, transportation systems, telecommunications, energy providers, and election authorities.

The task force, established in June, will hold a visioning event in August, hosted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (or MIT), to discuss several aspects of this topic.  

The task force will create a final report that will be available in December of 2022.



July 25, 2022