The Madison City Commission is planning to consider a resolution that will address some concerns with building permits for certain projects within the city.  

Scott Parsley, representing St. John’s Lutheran Church in Madison, addressed commissioners during their meeting Monday about the need to pay for building permits for projects brought about by flooding.  Parsley said that the church’s building permit fees for the repair of its flood damage was just more than 800-dollars. He said that he doesn’t think property owners affected by a natural disaster should need to pay for a permit.

Parsley said that making repairs after a flood shouldn’t require a fee for a building permit from the city.

Commissioners Jeremiah Corbin and Mike Waldner both said they didn’t think Parsley’s request was unreasonable.  City Engineer Chad Comes said that building permits serve a purpose for projects, but he isn’t opposed to looking at some sort of waiving or adjusting of the fees for circumstances like flood repairs.  

City Attorney David Jencks said that a resolution regarding this issue could be put together for the commission’s consideration. Â