ORR Bond Election Results

Voters in the Oldham-Ramona-Rutland school district have rejected an 18.8 million dollar bond issue that would have been used to build a new school for the recently combined district. 277 “yes” votes were cast in Tuesday’s election, with 305 “no” votes. The 585 total votes represented 57 percent of the total eligible voters in the district. 


Tuesday’s vote was the culmination of a series of elections in the past 18 months for the district. Voters in May of 2022 approved a merger of the Oldham-Ramona and Rutland school districts, which officially took effect this past July 1st. That vote also included a new opt-out for the combined district. Had yesterday’s bond vote passed, that opt-out would have lasted two years, but can now last up to five years. 


Last November, new school board members were elected for the district. That new board created a plan for a new school building that would have been located on Highway 81 and 223rd street. Under the purchase agreement with the landowner of the site, the board has until March to pass a bond issue or terminate the agreement. 


The results of Tuesday’s election will be made official at the board’s meeting tonight.