Livestock development in Lake County in the future can mean financial benefits for the county as well.  

Adam Molseed, Community Development Representative with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, met with Lake County Commissioners last week to explain the GOED’s sales and use tax rebate program for livestock development. Molseed said the program is an expansion of the program the state originally put in place for industries like manufacturing and wind energy.

Molseed told commissioners some of the requirements of the program.

Under the state’s program, Molseed said that in order for a livestock development project to qualify, it must be approved by the state before it goes before the county for approval. 

Molseed told commissioners that once the project is complete, then the county will receive the sales tax that was paid.

Molseed said there are no restrictions on what the county can use the money for that it receives through this program.  

He told commissioners to contact his office if they know of any upcoming livestock development projects that may qualify for this program.