A common tradition of the holiday season could mean even more to someone this year. That’s why the grandson of one of the residents of Bethel Lutheran Home in Madison is reaching out to the community and encouraging people to send Christmas cards to residents this year.  

Tyler Quenzer of Minnesota said he came up with the idea for his grandmother, Iola Robson, but then decided to expand it to try to help and reach all of the nursing home residents.  

Quenzer said this has been a difficult and lonely year for most residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities.  He said he talked with some members of the Bethel Community staff to help him act on his idea of encouraging people to send Christmas cards to the residents of Bethel and help them during this time.

Quenzer said that people can send cards specifically to people they know in the Bethel Community, or just send general holiday greetings that will then be distributed to the residents by the staff.  

Send cards to:

Bethel Lutheran Home
1001 S. Egan Ave.
Madison, SD  57042
