Nine-Man Pairings
This Friday night will mark the end of the regular season for nine-man football here in South Dakota. Up until the last 24 hours, many of our area teams had an “unknown opponent” for their week eight schedules. The Dakota Valley, Great Plains and Cornbelt conferences created mini-divisions, kept track of their head to head match-ups and this final week has teams seeded and facing off against like seeds. Here is a look at some of our local match ups:
Howard vs. Baltic – Game Of The Week on FM103
Oldham-Ramona/Rutland vs. Dell Rapids St. Mary
Colman-Egan vs. Arlington/Lake Preston
Chester Area vs. Parker
Rest of the match-ups:
Viborg-Hurley vs. Canistota/Freeman
Elkton-Lake Benton vs. DeSmet
Deubrook vs. Castlewood
Alcester-Hudson vs. Corsica Stickney
Estelline/Hendricks vs. Dakota Hills
Centerville vs. Colome
Irene-Wakonda vs. Hanson
Menno-Marion vs. Avon
Gayville-Volin vs. Tripp-Delmont/Armour/AC/DC
Burke vs. Scotland