DSU team takes home two top awards at FBLA Nationals

Earlier this year, every member of the DSU Future Business Leaders of America who competed at the state competition, qualified for FBLA nationals. In June, two returned home with first place and several others came in the top 10 nationally. 

The 12 DSU competitors who chose to attend the national FBLA Collegiate National Leadership Conference in Orlando, Florida also attended educational workshops and took advantage of networking opportunities.

Max Weins earned first place in computer science, and Casey Olson was first in computer applications.

Olson is from Fergus Falls, Minnesota, and competed at nationals for the first time this year.  She is a second year Professional Accountancy major with minors in Computer Information Systems and Computer Science.

Dr. Dan Talley,  Professor of Economics and Statistics and MBA Coordinator for the College of Business & Information Systems, says the results in both business and technology focused events should make everyone proud of DSU. He added that credit goes to Brenda Merkel and Yenling Chang for their impressive dedication to DSU FBLA as co-advisors.Â