CRP Enrollment is Up To Near 27 million Acres

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is accepting offers for more than 2.2 million acres from agricultural producers and private landowners through this year’s Grassland, General, and Continuous Conservation Reserve Program. With these accepted acres, enrollment is very near the 27 million CRP acreage cap.

Producers will have enrolled more than 10 million acres in the popular grassland CRP.

Grassland CRP allows producers and landowners to continue grazing and haying practices while protecting grasslands and further CRP’s impacts. Enrolled acres help sequester carbon in vegetation and soil while enhancing resilience to drought and wildfire. Meanwhile, producers can still conduct common grazing practices, such as haying, mowing, or harvesting seed from the enrolled land, which supports agricultural production.

In South Dakota, 158,843 grassland acres were accepted this year.

FSA also has accepted nearly 200,000 acres through the General signup, bringing total acres enrolled in General CRP to 7.9 million acres.

Producers can still make an offer to participate in CRP through the  continuous CRP signup, which is ongoing, by contacting their local USDA Service Center.