SD Board of Regents Recognizes DSU Student Orgs

Earlier this month, the South Dakota Board of Regents recognized six student organizations for outstanding academic, community, and organizational work. The Board annually acknowledges and awards student groups from all six South Dakota public universities, this month they recognized organizations from Dakota State University and the University of South Dakota.


The 3 organizations at DSU that received awards were:

The Future Business Leaders of America Collegiate receiving the 2022 DSU Award for Academic Excellence. The goal of this organization is to combine business and education together into a positive relationship using innovative leadership and career development programs.

The Newman Club receiving the 2022 DSU Award for Community Service which strives to provide a faith-based community for students to grow relationships with their peers, faculty, and community. 

and the Lights, Camera, Action Film Club receiving the 2022 DSU Award for Organizational Leadership, witch strives to produce great promotional videos for special events and people in the local community, to support a student-led environment that encourages the realization of students’ creative visions and learn the simple wonders of storytelling and filmmaking.


BOR Executive Director Nathan Lukkes, Advisor Heidi Comes, BOR Board President Tim Rave, DSU Student Kelsey O’Connell, Advisor Pam Lewis, DSU President José-Marie Griffiths
BOR Executive Director Nathan Lukkes, BOR Board President Tim Rave, DSU Student Casey Olson, Advisor Brenda Merkel, DSU President José-Marie Griffiths
BOR Executive Director Nathan Lukkes, Advisor Joseph Staudenbaur, BOR Board President Tim Rave, DSU Student Carson Knecht, DSU President José-Marie Griffiths