Madison City Commission meeting Monday

The Madison City Commission is holding its regular weekly meeting Monday.  Commissioners will continue their discussion on the Madison Aquatic Center and also receive an update on the Madison Splash Zones. Also on the commission’s agenda are agreements for construction contracts with Halme, Incorporated for Water System Improvement projects, as well as with J&J Earthwork, Incorporated for a Water System Improvement project.

Commissioners are also scheduled to approve the transfer of capital outlay and maintenance reserve funds to the Community Center operating budget.  They will also discuss creating a process for strategic and capital improvement planning, and also possible action on approving a proposal with ISG, Incorporated for Capital Improvement Planning Services.

The Madison City Commission meeting begins at 5:30 Monday in the commission room in Madison City Hall.  Anyone interested in attending can also do so through Zoom.

Board of Commissioners Meeting
Monday, June 21, 2021 5:30 PM

Please join the Zoom meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

+1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 971 0130 0712

During time for public comment, you have two options to contribute:

  • Use the chat function within Zoom – list your name and the topic you’d like to discuss – we will call on you when we get to public comment time.
  • Reach out to our office before 5:00pm Monday at 256-7500 option 3 to be added to the list to be called on during the meeting.

Resolution No. 2018-11 will be followed – – each individual will get three minutes and no action will be taken by the public body.