Madison Central School Board holds extensive executive session for personnel matter

The Madison Central School Board met in executive session for more than four hours on Monday night for what was on its agenda as a personnel matter.  A large contingency of Madison Central School District teachers and staff attended the board’s meeting.  When entering into executive session, School Board president Tom Farrell said that only those who signed the grievance would be allowed to stay in the meeting, while all others would need to leave.  Many of those allowed to stay in the closed executive session were teachers and staff at Madison Elementary School.  A good portion of others who left the meeting remained at the high school throughout the time the board met in executive session in the school’s library.  

After coming out of executive session just after 10:00 Monday night, Farrell made this statement and motion.

Farrell also addressed the grievances as part of his motion.

Farrell’s motion passed by a unanimous vote of the school board.Â