Lake County Commission meeting Tuesday
The Lake County Commission meets on Tuesday morning.
Appointments on the agenda include 4-H Advisor Jennifer Hayford with a quarterly report at 9:10 Tuesday morning, followed by Ty Eschenbaum with A-1 Development Solutions LLC regarding applications for underground construction on county road right of way for Orland Ridge Dairy LLC. At 9:30 Tuesday, John Snedeker of Butler Machinery and the county Highway Department will discuss a CAT backhoe purchase, and then Highway Superintendent Nels Nelson meets with the county commission at 9:40 tomorrow to discuss culverts and a cell phone.
Commission Administrative Officer Shelli Gust will talk with commissioners about personnel and the adoption of the county’s new wage scale, and an executive session for pending litigation and contractual matters is scheduled toward the end of Tuesday’s meeting. Commissioners are then also scheduled to meet with Sheriff Tim Walburg to discuss a DUI overtime grant and gun purchase.
The Lake County Commission meeting begins at 9:00 Tuesday morning in the commission room in the Lake County Courthouse.