Lake County awarded Bridge Improvement Grant
Lake County is included on a list of Bridge Improvement Grant recipients for this year. The South Dakota Transportation Commission awarded 27 Preservation, Rehabilitation, and Replacement Bridge Improvement Grants totaling approximately fourteen million dollars to local governments during their meeting on Thursday in Pierre.
The South Dakota Department of Transportation received forty-one applications from cities and counties totaling more than 29-million dollars in project costs.
Local governments are required to pay a minimum of 20-percent matching funds and have three years to expend the grant. Counties must have a wheel tax and a five-year Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan in order to receive a grant.
The fifteen million dollar BIG program was created in 2015 and is funded through seven million dollars per year from funds generated by license plate fees and eight-million dollars from the state DOT.
A listing of the most recent grant recipients and more information on the state’s Bridge Improvement Grant project can be found here.