DSU holding rocket launch Monday
Madison area residents interested in rockets can experience a rocket launch in Madison on Monday. The Dakota State University Space Club is hosting a low-rocket launch event and a mid-power rocketry demonstration Monday in the parking lot north of the Dakota Prairie Playhouse. The rockets will be launched from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. on Monday.
Paul and Andreau Paulman from The Heartland Association of Rocketry will launch several mid-power rockets during the event, while DSU students will launch low-power rockets.
Dr. James Maloney, DSU assistant professor of physics and Space Club advisor, said practicing rocketry gives students experience in engineering, physics, and chemistry, allowing them to apply what they’re learning in the classroom.
DSU students will launch their own high-powered rocket later this month at a Heartland Association of Rocketry event in Dixon, Nebraska.