Anyone wanting to learn more about how to utilize the 211 Helpline can attend a free class in Madison later this month.  

Interlakes Area United Way and the Helpline Center are offering 211 University on Tuesday, October 29th.  It’s a free class that will share tips and tricks of the 211 Helpline, including how to search and find resources through the 211 online database.  Attendees will also learn about resource guides, translating resources, Community calendars, and more.  

Helpline Center staff will share information also about the expansion of 211 and the role of 211 in a community, including their role in a disaster and how they respond to crisis calls.   

This is the second year 211 University has been offered in Madison.  It starts with registration at 8:00 a.m. on the 29th, with the class beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the FirstLine Funding Group training room on South Washington Avenue in Madison.  

The 211 Helpline has been available in Lake County since July of 2017, and is available through phone, text and e-mail. The free and confidential service helps people find local resources concerning health, housing and utilities, jobs and support, and more.

211 University is open to the public, but advance registration is requested. Sign up at