MHS Seniors Scholarship Awards
The Madison Central School Educational Foundation Board of Directors and scholarship donors were present to award Foundation scholarships to MHS graduating seniors. Executive Director, Renae Prostrollo said the foundation scholarships will total over $45,000 this year. Prostrollo said, “Scholarship donors value education. Donors give scholarships as a way to give back to MHS. Some have chosen to invest in a student’s future as a meaningful way to honor their loved one, through a scholarship.”
The LaMonte & Marian Wiese Scholarship was presented to Bailey Gonyo & Ashlyn Rustand by Marian Wiese, Rhonda Gramstad & Marli Wiese.
The DSU Blue & Blue Scholarship was presented to Emmett Brown by Scott & Sara Schlisner.
Sharon O’Connell presented The Cancer Club Scholarship awarded Myles Olson & Christopher Driscoll, who both will be attending DSU.
New scholarship Marjorie Haskins Memorial Scholarship was presented to Elizabeth Studer & Hannah Aldridge by board member Jordan Schue.
The Jerry Johnson 1st responders Scholarship was awarded to Claire Meyer, who will be attending Southeast Tech. The Johnson scholarship was awarded by his daughter, Jenn Yeo.
Board Member Lee Threadgold presented the The MHS STEM Scholarship to Evelyn Graham, attending Montana State University, Autumn Larson, attending SDSU, and Taylor Harms, who will be attending Texas Tech.
The Glen Wilbur Memorial Scholarship was presented to Chloe Schneider by Foundation Board member Kristin Morse. Two Ben Bundy Memorial Scholarships were presented by Megan Bundy to Maycee Theede & Lucas Johnson, in recognition of their school and community involvement and their concern for the well-being of other people. Bob Cordts presented The Jim Cordts Memorial Scholarship to Deion Cross, Piper Davies, Adelia Meyer, Hannah Meyer, Ashlyn Rustand, Megan Schouwenburg, Maycee Theede in recognition of their participation in cross country, and demonstrating good character, leadership, community service and generosity-all traits that Jim Cordts embodied.
Ginny Freitag presented The Julian Freitag Memorial Scholarship to Emmett Brown, recognizing his participation in school and community activities, and exemplifying the spirit in which their son, Julian, lived-loving life, family, and friends; appreciating his hometown, and brining a smile and a helping hand to those who needed it. MHS Band Director Terry Kenny presented The Dennis Hegg Memorial Scholarship to Hannah Aldridge for her commitment to band at MHS.
Board Member Angi Kappenman presented the Trudi Nelson Forensics Scholarship to Neeley Salmen, who will be attending USF this fall.
Tim & Monica Campbell presented the Timothy & Monica Campbell Scholarship to Elizabeth Studer, who will be attending Minnesota State University- Mankato in the fall.
Crystal Howard and daughter Jill presented the first Richard “Burp” Howard Memorial Scholarship to Zoey Gerry & Lucas Johnson. Gerry will be attending Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, and Johnson will be attending SDSU in Brookings, SD.
A joint scholarship between the Madison Education Association and the MCSEF requires evidence of leadership experience and community service. Cassandra Grogan and board member Angi Kappenman presented the MEA/MCSEF Scholarship to Zoey Gerry and Ashlyn Strom.
Pat Gross presented The Rotary/Don E. Gross Memorial Scholarship to Riley O’Connell, in recognition of her work ethic and academic achievement. Foundation board member, Marli Wiese presented The George & Marcene Scully Scholarship on behalf of the Scully family to Emerson Lindley, in recognition of her academic achievement and involvement in student leadership.
Charlie Johnson presented the Mary Johnson Memorial Scholarship to Emma Murray.
Erin Riedel presented the first time Preserve Scholarship for Multilingual Learners to Laysha Galindo Celestino.
The Robert Miller, Jr Memorial Scholarship was presented by Diana Maas and awarded to Hannah Meyer, attending Southwest Minnesota State University & Evelyn Graham, attending Montana State University.
Board Member Angie Kappenman presented the Career & Technical Education Scholarship to McKenna Shaw. She will be attending Lake Area Tech.
Finally, board member Julia Miller presented the Foundation’s Sprint Broadband Scholarships to Nick Kappenman. Kappenman will be attending Louisiana State University in the fall.
Prostrollo said that the Foundation hopes that students can learn about the donors who give scholarships and can be inspired to give back someday too.
For more information, please contact: Renae Prostrollo