Keith Bundy-Madison Central School Board Candidate
I am Keith Bundy, and I am 65 years of age. I have lived in Madison for 32 years. I live with my wife, Peggy, and all four of our boys received an excellent education from the Madison Central schools. I currently am employed as an accessibility consultant with Siteimprove, Inc., out of Minneapolis, working remotely. I am also the interim pastor at the Madison Church of the Nazarene.
I am running again for the school board because I want to continue to contribute to an excellent educational system. In the three years I have served, I have learned a lot about the operation of the school system, and my goal is to continue to make Madison Central one of the best school systems in South Dakota. I believe that excellent communication is key to this goal, and I believe that my communication skills can be used to continue the excellence the school system has already established.