The Madison City Commission is holding its regular weekly meeting Tuesday instead of on Monday because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.  

Commissioners are scheduled to approve second reading of an ordinance amending the city’s appropriation ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020, and approve first reading of an ordinance regarding the inspection of body piercing and/or tattoo establishments.  The commission will also adopt a resolution amending the established employee compensation for 2021, and authorize the mayor to sign the 2021 Annual Intent to continue daycare operation for the state Department of Social Services to operate a Before and After School Center.  

Also on the agenda for commissioners is a letter of understanding with First District Association of Local Governments for the administration fees for the FEMA Hazard Mitigation grant program, and an update on COVID-19 leave for employees in 2021.  

These items of business and more make up the agenda for Tuesday’s Madison City Commission meeting.  The commissioners meet at 5:30 Tuesday in the commission room in Madison City Hall and also through the use of Zoom.

Please join the Zoom meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

+1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID:  944 1376 9463

During time for public comment, you have two options to contribute:

  • Use the chat function within Zoom – list your name and the topic you’d like to discuss – we will call on you when we get to public comment time.
  • Reach out to our office before 5:00pm Monday at 256-7500 option 3 to be added to the list to be called on during the meeting.

Resolution No. 2018-11 will be followed – – each individual will get three minutes and no action will be taken by the public body.