The Lake County Commission is holding its first meeting of 2020 on Tuesday.  That includes the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the commission for the year, as well as several other annual business items.  

At 9:10 Tuesday morning, commissioners will take public comment and hold second reading of an ordinance amending the county’s ordinance establishing a speed zone on 241st Street near Chester.  The commission will also meet with Highway Superintendent Nels Nelson regarding awarding the bid for a used dump truck with snow plow, optional right-hand wing and optional slide-in sander. Sheriff Tim Walburg will meet with commissioners Tuesday regarding a policy manual change and jail contracts, and Register of Deeds Shirley Ebsen will meet regarding personnel.  

The Lake County Commission meeting on Tuesday will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the commission room in the Lake County Courthouse in Madison.